5 Ways To Cardio Up Your Day!

Cyndy Reid
5 min readMar 13, 2019


Use as many of YOUR 650 muscles as possible ALL THE TIME!

I have found that folks get stuck in the old traditional script of thinking they HAVE to go to a gym or do a formalized workout for the movements to count. That is so not true! I am not against gyms. It’s just that peeps get LOCKED into the societal norms of going to the gym as the only way to work out. Then the excuses begin and before you know it…..they become deconditioned, atrophied and weak. Then, the downward spiral begins. The guilt ensues and from there, it moves into injury. The cumulative cycle has commenced.

Have you experienced this scenario? It is not uncommon. It is harder to break than it is to avoid! My passion is to help people obliterate the mold, and become consistent in order to get AND STAY healthy and fit, no matter what their circumstances or age.

Empowering as many people as I can with the Mind Set and Skill Set to Live a Fitness Lifestyle is my passion. The body moves synergistically, so you must create a synergistic movement routine daily for optimal fitness and health. It is really quite simple.

So, on that note here are 5 examples of how to get started.

FIRST Embrace the Mind Set that ALL MOVEMENT COUNTS and does NOT have to be done all at one time. Then, try to use as many of your 650 muscles as possible ALL THE TIME!

SECOND Embrace the 650 Club. When you move using this formula, any movement can become varying degrees of cardio.

1.Use a stand up desk. The act of standing up works the muscles of your legs, butt and back. Standing helps keep your spine strong, and helps to alleviate back issues. When you sit for long periods of time the collective group of muscles known as the hip flexors shorten. Your gluts / butt becomes weak, and over time this leads to back issues, which then leads to shoulder issues as well. Again it is cumulative.

Cardio: Once you are comfortable with the stand up desk, then do fast and high knee lifts every hour for 30 seconds to 2 minutes at a time. Pump your arms and stand tall. Jog in place or do pretend jump rope.

Also, when you incorporate a stand up desk, you can move around easily. Do some stretching at your desk, move your legs and arms. For example, as I write this post I am moving to the beat of some classic rock blues with Eric Clapton. I step back to think for a bit, and do some stretching for my back and shoulders. I do some low impact jumping jacks and backwards lunges.

Note: if a stand up desk is new for you, break yourself in slowly. The increase in work load from sitting to standing is tremendous. You must train your muscles to get strong.

Note: Standing all day is also not good. I stand for an hour or two, then move about for 10 minutes. Then, I sit on my stability ball for 30 minutes. I repeat throughout the day. When I stand I constantly move my legs and hips. Switching foot stances is beneficial as well. Remember to keep your belly button drawing in gently but consistently, to create support for that lumbar spine.

2. Move every hour. Take a break and walk somewhere. Cardio: Do laps on stairs, parking garage ramp, down the hall, down the airport corridor etc. Get down on the floor and do some pushups, lean on a desk and do pushups. Then walk some more. Do some squats and come up onto your toes with your arms over your head and hold for 2 counts. Do 10 of these. Dance around to music for 2 -4 minutes.

I try to move 10 minutes for every hour I work at my desk. Today is going to be a 6 hour day of writing my books and new programs. I will do 10 minutes 6 times. The moves will vary, but will always incorporate the 650 Club formula. By the end of my workday I will have accumulated 60 minutes of movement incorporating cardio with each set.

3. Keep an exercise band with handles near you. They all come with a chart of exercises, take a 2 minute break every hour and do a couple of those exercises. Alternate the exercise each hour. Use long arms and go slow for a higher heart rate. Incorporate lunges and squats into the movement pattern. Then, do something like jumping jacks or stair climbers for 2–4 minutes.

I just took about 2 minutes and did some lat pulls with squats with a band hooked to an eye bolt with a carabiner. Then, I did some lateral stretches and dropped to a down dog to release my back. Then, I stepped up and down on the Bosu for 2 minutes. I feel refreshed and stronger!

Creating movement breaks in your day like this will INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY and KEEP YOU CONSISTENT! This is the KEY!

4. Get a Bosu balance trainer. With this little space saver you can work on balance, increase heart rate and do strength training all at once. I keep it right by my desk. My next break from writing and working today will be to do some step ups on a bosu for 5 minutes.

5. Combine multiple ranges of motion and multiple planes of movement with each move. For example, when you do a lunge, add a slow gentle twist with your upper body. Do side lunges and come up to balance on one leg with your arms over head. Do a squat and when you come up reach overhead and to the right to get a little rotation. Alternate from left to right with each rep. Go slow and use full extension. Run in place for 1 minute, then repeat.

6. Bonus tip: If you sit, use a fitball. This will allow you to move your low back around so there is no compression on the vertebrae. Your hips will thank you!. You will also be using the balance muscles of the back and the shoulders. Practice sitting up straight! Then you can get up and turn around and do stretching on the ball throughout the day.

These are some simple and effective tips to get you into the Mind Set of the No Gym Required Club. If you can achieve this, you will never have to miss movement again.

You will be able to incorporate simple, yet effective cardio components into your day. No more excuses.

Once you are in this Mind Set, you will find that you automatically begin to think of new and creative ways to get movement throughout your day. Then, when you do go to the gym or on a hike or bike ride, you will not have lost your Mojo!

And, see how much better you feel about yourself and your productivity!

Stay tuned for more on the No Gym Required Playbook and where you will be able to access this E-Book.

(As per any workout, make sure you have consulted a physician and are cleared to move! IF you are feeling pain or discomfort STOP and seek medical or therapy advice.)

To Your Health and Fitness!!

Cyndy Reid Fitness

The Strong With Age System



Cyndy Reid

Fitness Lifestyle Coach Cyndy Reid Fitness The Strong With Age System