Less Lettuce More Nutrition

Cyndy Reid
2 min readMar 22, 2019

Try Adding Lettuce Last To Get More Fiber, Better Taste, and Nutrients!

People say to me all the time that they had a salad for lunch or dinner. I say great! What was in that salad? Usually they say lettuce or spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers and dressing.

While these selections are all good, I want to challenge everyone to make the salad a heartier, more nutritious MEAL.

Add FIRST, for example, various berries, different colors of carrots and peppers, heirloom tomatoes, various types of onion, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, apple chunks, beets and then some spinach and red leaf lettuce. Then, mix it all up and enjoy the beautiful way these selections fill you up! Feel good about your health!

This is but one example of how to make your salad a MAIN MEAL. This skill creates meals packed full of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, good fat and so much more. You will most likely eat less too!

You can get multiple servings of fruits and vegetables into your day just by embracing this one simple tweak.

The next time you think you can’t possibly get upwards of 8 servings of fruits and veggies into your day, think about your SALAD MADE INTO A MEAL formula!

It is a skill that develops over time. Experiment with a variety of items. Hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds and a variety of nuts and dried fruit such as cranberries and raisins are staples to have on hand. Also, try adding a Quinoa burger or veggie burger crumbled into the salad for some more protein and great heartiness.

Enjoy!! Have fun with the process!

Cyndy Reid Fitness

The Strong With Age System



Cyndy Reid

Fitness Lifestyle Coach Cyndy Reid Fitness The Strong With Age System