My “Gym” Goes Where I Go

Cyndy Reid
4 min readApr 11, 2019

No Excuses Allowed! Workout Where You Are!

Our society is sick and out of shape! And I am on a mission to spread the cure! My passion is and always has been to teach folks how to live a Fitness and Health LIFESTYLE.

Check out these stats from the American Council On Exercise and the National Academy of Sports Medicine:

“Low back pain is one of the major forms of musculoskeletal degeneration seen in the adult population, affecting nearly 80% of adults”. (NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training. Clark, Lucett and Sutton. The Rational For Corrective Exercise 2014)

“Together, overweight and obesity affect more than two thirds of the adult population in the US”. (Ogden et al., 2006 Helmchen and Henderson, 2004) “Researchers have reported a linear correlation between increasing BMI or body mass index, and low back pain”. Leboeuf-Yde, 2000, Toda et al., 2000, Ace Health Coach Manual 2013.

I have seen a direct correlation in my 30 + years of working in the Fitness and Health profession between poor posture, and chronic low back, shoulder and knee pain. Once I correct the alignment, strengthen the weak, address the muscle imbalances and get folks to move each and every day, the chronic issues disappear for the most part.

I have also seen the direct correlation to body fat increasing without daily movement, and decreasing with daily movement.

I am amazed at how resilient the human body is when it comes to anatomical imbalances and weaknesses. I have also found that these things can most often be corrected at any age.

The human body wants to stand up straight and be active! The old saying “Use It or Lose It” is so very true! Look up the 91 Year Old Gymnast!!

This is why I am on a passionate mission to spread this knowledge and share the skill set of The No Gym Required Playbook. One does not need a gym to be fit. One only needs to adapt a new Mind Set. (I am not saying that you shouldn’t go to a gym or class or take a bike ride! I am saying don’t use the fact you can’t, to create a negative pattern of inactivity!)

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to learn new things. It grows and evolves just like our muscles. Embracing the Mind Set of the 650 Muscle Club teaches a person how to look at their environment differently. Just move in as many ranges of motion as possible, and create that movement on a consistent basis no matter where you are. To get started, just move. It does not matter what you do as much as that you are actually doing something!

You have 5 or 10 minutes? Do some squats or pushups. The next 5 or 10 minutes you have, do some lunges, or use a couple of water bottles to lift your arms over your head while you march in place. Create the pattern of consistency by just doing something. Your brain will begin to think automatically about moving every hour. But, to start, just get up and move!! Don’t sweat the details about specifics.

One of the main skills in this Mind Set of The No Gym Required Playbook teaches you how to look at your environment AS your “gym”. At home, an ottoman becomes a dip bench. A stair railing becomes a bar to affix a band around for lat pulls. The stairs become your step. The 5 X 8 rug becomes your platform for planks and squats. Outside, there are benches and curbs and playgrounds. On a hike, there are trees to wrap a band around. A playground becomes an obstacle course. IE slide and quick step around the swings, step ups on rocks or curbs….Your office may have some stairs to run, walk, or do step ups. The airport offers walking options. I take along a band to do upper body while I wait for the plane.

Who knows, you may inspire someone else that could inspire someone else, and the beat goes on! Help spread the message!

This Mind Set can be used anywhere anytime. And, to set up a “gym” in your home / office is simple and low cost. You can begin with very effective basics such as bands and a mat, and maybe a balance trainer platform. Under $500! Add more fun toys as you progress, but don’t get caught up on the modalities. Just get a couple and begin with baby steps, so your Mind Set starts changing.

Once you have retrained the brain to think in terms of “I CAN do these moves NOW because I have a few minutes”, as opposed to “I only have a few minutes so I am going to blow off movement” you will be able to shatter the excuse meter!

Imagine if you moved a little every hour for 5 or 10 minutes. At the end of the day you could accumulate 60 plus minutes of exercise! Become more productive at work by breaking up the movements and creating blood flow to the brain. It has been shown that several 10 minute bouts of exercise can be as or more effective than a single 50 minute workout.

This is an opportunity to change your life and be healthy and fit no matter where you are! This is an opportunity to stop the merry go round cycle of fad diets, workouts of the month and temporary results.

This is an opportunity to create LASTING RESULTS through consistency! No more excuses.

Why wouldn’t you want to jump on this program if it keeps you fit and makes you more productive at work?

Yours in Health And Fitness!


Cyndy Reid Fitness

The Strong With Age System

The No Gym Required Playbook



Cyndy Reid

Fitness Lifestyle Coach Cyndy Reid Fitness The Strong With Age System