Struggling To Get It All In? Cardio, Strength, Flexibility?

Cyndy Reid
3 min readMar 6, 2019

Struggle No More!! Join the 650 Club!

The 650 Club: Using ALL Muscles All The Time

Train it all, all the time!

Our bodies are wonderful machines using synergistic movement occurring from the astounding relationship between 650+ muscles and 206 bones.

This is part 1 of a series I am doing to open folk’s eyes into the wonderful world of the 650 club. Training and living this way will enable the body and mind to consistently improve in ALL aspects of fitness. No matter if you are an elite athlete or a working mom of 3. This System will enhance your ability to get strong, stay strong and viable at any age and level.

The System premise is simple. Move and use as many parts of your body as you can in every thing you do.

Examples to start:

1.Use a stand up desk. By standing you burn more calories right off the bat. You are strengthening legs, butt, back, spine, calves and core. You can constantly move around and create blood flow. Why wouldn’t you stand up?!

It does take practice and training though. Just like anything else you must create a pattern and develop skills. Yes you do! By incorporating standing up into your day at work, your muscles will scream at you initially, because they are not used to supporting you.

That alone should tell you how many muscles you are using!!

BUT, it is NOT good to stand the entire day. I alternate between standing up for a 2–3 hours, to sitting on my stability ball for 30 minutes. In between I do 10 minutes of Energy Burst Exercise. Throughout the day I incorporate stretching. Just to release the back and shoulders.

Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson were said to have used stand-up desks. Winston Churchill, Vladimir Nabokov, Ernest Hemingway, and Donald Rumsfeld are other notable standers.

2. Ad Balance to everything. When you do an exercise movement such as a bicep curl ad a balance component. For example, stand on one foot and do the exercise slowly. Second set stand on the other foot. This simple addition adds a brain component, exponential core, leg and back recruitment. Alternate standing on one leg at your stand up desk.

3. Ad movement through multiple planes of motion as much as possible. For example, when doing a simple free squat, come up into a one legged stance with arms overhead and hold for 2 counts. For even more go up onto toes and hold. Alternate legs. Release slowly.

4. While doing a simple plank, open your legs apart, then put them back together. Alternate which leg moves first.

These are just some basic examples of the premise. I will share more in upcoming posts.

The idea is to get out of that antiquated thinking of doing certain muscle groups on one day and being locked into rigid movement patterns. For longevity and COMPLETE HEALTH AND FITNESS move it and use it in as many different ways with as many different muscles as possible.

Be a member of the 650 Club!

Stay tuned………..

Cyndy Reid Fitness

The Strong With Age System



Cyndy Reid

Fitness Lifestyle Coach Cyndy Reid Fitness The Strong With Age System